Tough Enough

On Kindle, in Paperback & Kindle Unlimited

On Kindle, in Paperback & Kindle Unlimited

Nigel Logan’s best girl, Candice, is troubled and worried to her core. There’s no way of concealing it, but she refuses to let Nigel in on her problems. He wants to be there for her, but, despite his best efforts, she pushes him away. With brave unconvincing smiles, she says, “I’m okay, baby. We’re okay. Everything will be all right,” but deep down, he knows better.

It’s a struggle, but Nigel tries to give her all the time and space she needs to work through and cope with her demons. However, his patience wears thin, once he discovers the truth.

Dangerous strangers have come to the Florida Panhandle and Forgotten Coast. Strangers that leave a path of poison, violence, and even death. Strangers that get a little too close to Nigel’s coastal family. Once drawn into the drama, Nigel takes full ownership on setting things right.

Here he comes, and he’s bringing hell with him.